So, like many of you, we have both been suckered int...dutifully bought the infamous Grand Master Edition of GW's new Adeptus Titanicus range, (Der H -'Did we not have enough to do?) and I couldn't wait to get started, getting a Warlord built on release day...of course it wasn't until 3 days later I realised I'd put the lower legs on back to front...
Airbrush stage finished, onto the nitty gritty...
It is definitely easier to paint the armour panels whist still on sprue, especially if you're airbrushing.
You will be heartily sick of painting armour trim by the time you finish...
...but once it starts to come together...
Starting to put some panels into place...
Slowly, slowly...
And finally a mock-up to check the leg plates all fit as they should...once the lower legs were the right way round...
This one is Legio Praesagius, but I expect to cave in and go full Legio Gryphonicus before too long...glad I got my World Eaters test scheme down though!...