
…and following on from Saturday’s post, here we go; Psychic Orb suppression spikes…..


I recently had a message asking:

Do you have any other Retributors models from the Astartes shorts?

I'm planning a Retributors Kill Team/Combat Patrol squad and there are still a few parts that I can find for it. Like the Knife, Helmet variant, Backpack and the Storage Pack that the spikes that are stabbed into the orb are stored in.


I made versions with the internal spike withdrawn and deployed, and then thought…this needs hands…


As the main unit is symmetrical, right hands can be made with a simple mirror in your slicing software of choice. I previous made Weapons available here and the Sphere available here. These were both quite popular, with 144 and 41 downloads respectively.


I’ve included a WIP of a backpack to carry the spikes - it currently only holds 3. The animation has it holding 5 but i made it ‘heroic scale’ so it can be identified in 28mm, as such, perhaps two people in an Impulsor Kill Team need to carry them.

Let us know your thoughts!