There we go...I said it...Life is a massive bitch! The last few months have been a PITA and hobby, the least vital of the things I spend my time doing, has taken a back burner.
Does it matter?
For me, the hobby is partially about an escape. I do a job which requires lots of thinking and unfortunately, like the chap above, no matter how good you are you win and lose.
The last 12 months have been the most demanding professionally, and being able to sit in my basement and, essentially, play with toy soldiers has helped a lot!
Work, personal life and (more recently) cars take a huge amount of time, and like many a hobbyist I needed to take a break.
The final problem is deadlines; life is all about deadlines. Whether it is the real deadlines of life, bills, work and chores or the ficticious ones I make for myself [Der H: "Landrover, I'm looking at you...."] they all add to that stress...
The solution?
Fuck it!
Take your 26 page statement and shove it up your arse....what's that? You want me to reply on my day off? NOPE.
New rule - Der H gets to play with toys once a week! [Brother Handro: "you sure thats enough time to make a dent in that collection...."]
Stuff I have to be working on is certainly not the issue; my current work bench is as follows!
2x plastic connies, assorted IIIrd Legion characters, Custodes, IIIrd legion librarian, aegis defence line parts, tech marine....
2x 10 man Tactical squads
Sgts and vexillae!
This isn't even starting on the Blood and Plunder, the Bolt Action (Winter airborne?), tyranids, genestealer cultists, BFG Eldar, BFG Alpha legion, Crimson fists, Arcworlde (either kickstarter) and harlequins....and deathwatch.....and Necromunda....and Spacehulk......
At least the basement is tidy right....
Right....lets get to it!
Der H