A double whammy unboxing today folks - German and US winter MMG teams!
A double whammy unboxing today folks - German and US winter MMG teams!
Behold, there is life in this blog yet!
After a few tough weeks we have had a flurry of activity with enough content to last a month....ish!
Anyway. Some time ago Brother Handro and I bought the Tank War starter set from Warlord Games. A fine set it was, so fine it sat untouched for an age. But no longer!
A nice tidy sprue!
I tried to make each one individual in its own way. The MMGs face different directions, the damage is different, and the central tank (to be used as my command tank in Tank War) has sand bag extra armour (albeit light!).
Im keen on adding camoflage to them also, similar to that seen here:
Perhaps this last one is closer to the level of cover my command tank has!
What do you think of the work guys? These have been primed since the pictures above and hopefully I can get some paint on them this year.
Der H
I saw that Warlord Games were having a sale last week. I messaged Der H to inform him; he'd already placed an order...now mine's arrived! *CLANG*
Once more the bell of shame tolls..what you're looking at in this shonky pic is a plastic Hellcat, Panther Ausf. A and Tiger I E along with pretty much the entire metal range of winter Germans, plus the second edition Armies of Germany book, which I'd put off buying and which pleasingly comes with it's own unique winter German figure.
A Panther hull, yesterday.
I've done naught but bend the front mudguards as yet...
Worryingly (for Der H!) I in fact have 3 Panthers on the production line (Der H: "Kraft Panther!"). I'm also hoping to pick up Warlord's new Opel Blitz/Maultier to compare it with Rubicon Models' offering. Watch this space!
The Hellcat was just because it's an awesome looking piece of machinery, and a nice kit. Might lead to an American Armoured platoon though...
And with the advent of new Tank War bundles, expect to see a build up of armour on the blog! (Der H: "weren't you obsessed with Tau last week?")
Thought for the day; 'Ask not for whom the shame bell tolls; it tolls for thee'.