One of the things I’m pushing for this year is a return to events! Or at least, regular events! The second half of 2021 had The Hobby Butterflies represented at 3 events, with reviews still in the pipeline (Brother Handro: “it’s a bloody long pipe….”), but I’m hoping for more in 2022.
Istvaan V….or not….
The event in question started out as an Istvaan V Legions only, 3250pt, weekend away with the boys to an AirBnB…then it was Warhammer World, then it was no longer IV-V, then it became a free for all!
It settled on a 3250pt per player, 6 player a side, faction war with a focus on “Infantry Heavy”…a message Bill “The Destroyer” may have forgotten (Der H: “love you Bill!”).
The dawn raid from Manchester, with the ever obliging Pete (of Zadyinarga fame) driving, wasnt the ideal start to a weekend, but it si one we as hobbists are used to! Brother Handro, unfortunately, was unable to join us this time, which meant Pete was stuck with my wittering all the way there!
A handy infiltrate warlord trait got some Kakophani out front, and the game began. Games if this size certainly take time. We tried to be strict with 30 minute turns, with nominally 10m/10m/10m for Movement, Shooting and Assault phases. Facing off against the White Scars was, as usual, a challenge but the game flowed quite well given the size. Movement was certainly an issue, but some wobbly model syndrome is to be expected with 19,500 pts a side!

As the game progressed these was much merriment, numerous rounds of drinks, and a pause for the inevitable Bugmans Lunch! This is where things slowed. The problem with 39k of 30k is that it takes some time and, naturally, it tends to slow down. In addition, one end of the table (Der H: “not mine for once!”) was becoming progressively more one sided!
After returning from lunch, the game slowed to a near halt. The aforementioned end called it a loyalist victory, and started to plan a move to the pub!
After some choice combat rolls to determine the likely outcome at our end, we too caved to peer pressure and packed away.

Once packed up, we had a little race around the museum, managed to avoid buying more stuff for the pile of ‘opportunity’, and headed out to the pub, to Reds BBQ, and a range of the other establishments offered by Nottingham!
The verdict
Overall a great event! Thanks for Dom, who’s Instagram handle I do not know, for organising the day. With 39k of 30k on the board I couldn’t help snap some shots and post to Instagram, making it my highest liked post so far! Next time I just need to persuade Handro to come along too!