The best laid schemes o’ Mice an’ Men
Gang aft agley,
An’ lea’e us nought but grief an’ pain,
For promis’d joy!
For many, 2022 was the promised land they were directed to shortly after arriving in the 2021 promised land, following the shit storm that was 2020.
“Said everyone to 2021….and now it seems 2022…”
For me, 2022 had been long heralded as the end of medical training, the end of being a ‘Junior Doctor’ and the end of the 3 monthly rolling cycle of new rotas, fire safety training, and 48 hour weeks of nights and weekends. A mighty start to 2022 saw the completion of a number of models from the backlog, and built on the second half of 2021 and the return of events (Brother Handro: “Events we’ve still not told these kind folks about”). This was supposed to be a January post, with an initial draft of the 8th January, but you know how it goes! Below is an outline of our goals for 2022, the models we want to paint, the terrain that needs building, and the events we’re planning on going to. Best laid plans and all that!
Hobby Goals
This year is a busy one! The events schedule is rapidly filling up, meaning (of course) that each has a deadline of goodies to build!
1) Emperors Children
This force is an endless sprawl! It is the opposite of how Brother Handro now builds forces, and so has no end, no specific target, and no end. However, I do think its nearing a natural ‘fullness’. On the cards for this year are:
The elements outlined in March’s pledge
Solomon Demeter and a few other bits for the loyalis element at Isstvan.
A cataphractii element, started with the terminators and librarian, with a Warmonger yet to be added
Land Raiders - I have one build and one…not built…plastic Land Raider kits with 3D printed proteus upgrades. (Brother Handro:”Fingers crossed for a plastic proteus!”) This will give me a spartan, two proteus’ (Der H:”Proteii?”) to run an AV 14 Kakophani list with air support.
Additional weapons - the jetbikes, dreadnoughts, Leviathan, sabres etc have all had extra weapons from when they were built. Rounding off these projects will be a little “Quick win”
The rest of the purple stuff! This includes 2-3 rhinos, 20 vets, some more palatine blades, some support squads and (of course) the still-to-be-finished destroyers.
In short, for the IIIrd, I just need to finish stuff!
2) Iron Warriors
I’ve had a lowly Iron Warriors dreadnought and a Praevian ready to go for so long now! I think once the Praevian, Dread, and the Cataphractii are done I will take stock and consider the options. This was always going to be a ZM force, and with the next cohort, I can easily put them on the frontline as support. Get these done, and ill be a happy bunny!
3) Mechanicum
Ok, so I have alot of Mechanicum. Heresy Trading and eBay have been kind, and I have more than enough to get over 3250 of each of Reductor, Cybernetica, and Taghmata. With a Thanatar, a Vulturax, a Krios Venator, some 3D printed tanks, two bombards, a Minotaur, more ursurax, two magos dominii, enginseers, TWO MACROCARIDS, TWO ARVUS’, 10 thralls, 10 hoplites…..yea….big ask for this year. But lets see I i can get a full 3250 for each force - Heresy Scot, I might not get a Sportsman ship prize this year!
4) Krieg
The DKoK were a big push for the Damochan event last year, and saw me paint over 100 infantrymen. This year, I want to get to a full 3000k. Two Gorgons in the queue will help, as will some centaurs, a malcador, and the ever present option to add bombards and the minotaur. A thunderbolt sits in this crowd too, along with 10 ogryn, 8 Mukaali riders and a hefty 10 man squad of missile launchers. The Mechanicum and the Krieg share a basing scheme, with a view to them being an interchangable force in large Vraksian trench warfare games….if only we had a table for it…
5) Trench Table
Last year, or maybe 2020 (Brother Handro: “Who knows right!”), I came into possession of 10 2’x4’ 10cm thick insulation boards. I also have a nice one part mold for Vraks trench parts….see where we’re going with this. In addition, 100m of double twist security wire, a load of small rocks and dried soil, loads of coffee stirrers and several bags of Geek Gaming Scenics modelling compound should give us all we need to make a 4’x8’ trench table! It’d be great to get at least 4’x6’ done this year!
6) Terrain
There are, of course, other terrain sets out there! We have a small selection of ruins, and some residual bits fo ZM. It’d be great to have complete ZM, Trench, City and arable boards by the end of 2022….might be a push!
7) Arcworlde
Im going to utilise my management training here and go with SMART objectives for a change. 12 more complete ‘units’ of Arcworlde by the end of 2022. One unit/monster per month…
8) Titanicus
Titanicus is the thing I love the concept of, but am yet to play! Legion Fureans must walk by the end of 2022!
9) Oak and Iron
Right, before Firelock make any more stuff, I need to get the ships finished. It literally 3-4 colours and a coat of varnish….FFS get on it!
10) Blood and Plunder
Ships, whole unopened kickstarters….another Kickstarter due to arrive soon, and to make it worse, Ive just received their recent Fire on teh Frontier new goodies….man alive I have a problem!
11) Finish some smaller projects
Custodes, Gorkamorka, Mordheim - these are all little side hustles. They’re quick (lol) and easy to do. Mordheim was done in essentially a day, Gorkamorka just needs soem more paint, Custodes are gold already! These are zero purchase, and with a good session, will be COMPELTED projects! Time to get on it!